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Meet the Coach 

As a wife and mother of three young adult children, my years of managing a complex family alongside my own complexities of Crohn’s disease and anxiety/depression has prepared me for judgement-free life coaching. Having helped my son through 20 years of learning and processing challenges associated with dyslexia, ADHD, sensory needs, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder, I believe that everyone is whole and can live their fullest purpose. 


My forward-focused coaching approach aligns with the global #1 Health & Wellness podcaster, Jay Shetty (of “On Purpose with Jay Shetty”), who agrees that you have everything you need to succeed, including the answers within you! 


It is now my honor to help other care providers realize your own goals, recognize your self-limiting beliefs, then move forward with my help of challenging unconscious behaviors, managing negative mindsets, and designing new habits for success. 


Why stay stuck? Move forward.

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About Jay Shetty's Coaching Certification

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Founded in 2020 by Jay Shetty -- former monk, author of the New York Times best selling book, "Think Like a Monk," and podcaster for the #1 Health & Wellness Podcast category globally for 2022 and 2023 ("On Purpose with Jay Shetty") -- the Life Coaching School set it's vision to "Impact 1 Billion Lives!"

The Jay Shetty Certification School is based on Jay's Coaching Framework: ABCs of Coaching that combines Jay’s influential wisdom and experience with traditional coaching theories, industry competencies, and international standards.

Coached as such, I promise to harness my client's full potential competently and responsibly across the following 10 core skills:

- I will meet ethical, legal, and professional guidelines.
- I will establish a coaching agreement and outcomes.
- I will build a trust-based relationship with you.
- I will self-manage and maintain a strong coaching presence.
- I will communicate effectively.
- I will raise awareness & insight of blind spots preventing your momentum.
- I will design strategies and actions for your success.
- I will maintain forward momentum and evaluate progress.
- I will undertake continuous coach development.
- I will do no harm & respect your dignity, autonomy, and boundaries.

Listen to my recent keynote talk.

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Continuous Coaching Development...

I am committed to developing as a coach and received a coaching grant to be a participant of the PQ+ Program by world renowned coach, Shirzad Chamine, author of the New York Times best selling book, "Positive Intelligence." 


PQ+ trains the brain to shift mindset using neuroscience and psychology proven to result in sustained performance and happiness.


This new training will help you to achieve your goals with greater success by improving your mental fitness!

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect!

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